Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For my concept-folio, I have decided that my topic is going to be “Identity”. I wanted to choose a topic that would allow me to be creative and show my own personal opinions, while staying away from typical concepts that have been done before in the past. In my Concept-folio, I plan on addressing the question “what makes us unique as individuals?” and figuring out what elements of a person are used when recognizing them. I will be focusing on images that deal with ideas like individuality, conformity, and personality to show what factors differentiate one person from another. Using these images, I hope to not only be able to show my own opinion on the importance of knowing one’s own unique identity and what it consists of, but also to provide enough materials for the reader of my folio to form their own opinion on the subject.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this idea and how you are choosing to approach it.
    When you first thought of it, I thought it would be really complex, but you seem to have a clear idea of what you'll be doing.
